Friday, April 3, 2009

The Worst Part of Business

The hardest part of self employment is not the incredible amount of time and energy it takes to create a successful business but the short amount of time it takes for some unprincipled slacker to steal your ideas and dilute the market until no one is making any money. For those of us that drive the market with our energy and creativity it is the worst part of business. One of the partners suggested we only put slow moving product in the window display so the neighbours will only steal bad ideas. It's obviously a good thing they have me because that ridiculous suggestion would have the potential customers walking right by. So how do you solve this problem? My suggestion, much more proactive than the partners, was to grind up the sandwich boards of these intellectual property thieves and stuff them down their throats. Unfortunately this kind of negative energy can twist you up inside until you are attacking customers if they are carrying the competition's shopping bags. Recently I discovered product in another store that is a direct ripoff of my artwork. They were unapologetic, even dumbfounded that it might be wrong. I could hire a layer, get a cease and desist, get grumpier and grumpier until I drive everyone away. I'm still making a living so what the hell. Every now and then I put on a ball cap and sunglasses and with wet painted hands go handle a little merchandise. It's immature and probably even wrong but man it feels good. The only real solution is to keep having good ideas and hope these idiots get hit by a bus.


  1. Enjoying your blogs Birdman.
    Getting rid of frustrations this way will make you a very mellow old man!'

  2. I think you and I must have the same neighbors! I've invested a good amount of money into a product line, only to find out the lady (and I use the term lightly) in the shop next to me, saw my blog and is now carrying the same product. Frustrating, isn't it?!

  3. It is terrible and difficult not to let anger get the best of you. I try to remember I live in a warm house with plenty of food and love and still hope they get hit by a bus. Cheers

  4. Hi Birdman
    Enjoyed your comment on the comments to your last blog.
    Keep it up.Your sense of humour is priceless.It must be inherited!!!
